The Connection Between Cleaning and Mental Health

Are you feeling overwhelmed and down lately? It may be time to break out the cleaning supplies! Believe it or not, there can be a strong connection between your mental health and having a clean home.

Studies have even shown that those who declutter their homes often experience increased feelings of calmness, productivity, and overall well-being. Cleaning provides a great way to manage stress and anxiety while offering potential health benefits. As such, one can say that keeping an orderly and clean home benefits physical and mental health.

Whether you’re tidying up to clear your head or as part of a complete lifestyle overhaul, read on to discover how cleaning can directly affect both our physical and emotional states.

Connection Between Cleaning and Mental Health

So, What Is the Relationship Between Mental Health and Cleaning?

A clean and organized home can be a powerful tool for improving mental health. When a home is sparkling clean, and everything is in its place, it has the power to lift people’s spirits and make them feel more relaxed. This feeling of orderliness can help people clear their minds of all the worries they are facing in life and give them a sense of calmness and serenity.

By taking this time to nurture their homes, individuals are able to create a safe haven for themselves that allows them to relax, recharge, and ultimately improve their mental well-being.

Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering

Research has shown that cleaning can have a great positive impact on one's mental well-being. Which shouldn't really be a surprise! Not only does it provide a sense of control over your environment, but it also serves as a calming and meditative activity that can help to reduce stress levels while engaging the mind.

Studies have further revealed that those who regularly engage in cleaning activities tend to experience improved focus, better sleep, reduced anxiety, and enhanced mood. Ultimately, engaging in consistent cleaning habits can make a significant difference to one's mental health - which we will explain in more detail below.

Improved Physical Health

Researchers discovered that the cleanliness of a home was a stronger predictor of good health. Having an organized, hygienic space can make all the difference when it comes to staying healthy. If you have a clean and open space in your home, you may be more likely to try yoga or do some quick home workouts.

Not only does cleaning your home reduces the amount of dust and allergens in the air, but it also encourages people to engage in healthier behaviors like cooking nutritious meals at home rather than eating out. Additionally, using natural cleaning products will also positively affect health and even our environment.

Improved Physical Health

A Feeling Of Control Over Your Environment

By removing excess clutter, cleaning up messes, and organizing belongings, individuals can create a more peaceful and inviting space. This provides them with a sense of control and allows them to focus better on tasks as the physical disorder has been eliminated.

Cleaning has been linked to improved mental wellbeing as it can allow individuals to engage in mindfulness activities, allowing them to reconnect with themselves in the present moment rather than ruminating on worries or anxieties.

Doing so can help people feel calmer and more centered in their everyday lives. Taking the time to clean and organize one's environment is mentally and physically beneficial.

Improved Mood

Something as simple as making your bed and having clean sheets can lead to a plethora of mental health benefits, including improved mood, reduced stress and anxiety levels, decreased fatigue, and enhanced concentration.

When people get more restful sleep from having clean sheets on their beds, this can result in increased energy levels throughout the day and greater clarity of thought. The physical act of cleaning up can also bring positive effects to mind by providing an outlet for releasing any negative emotions while promoting a sense of accomplishment.

Improved hygiene practices such as washing your sheets regularly or using certain essential oils for a clean smell are important to prevent the growth of dust mites and bacteria which can lead to allergies or other respiratory issues if left unchecked.

Increased Focus

A messy home or workspace can lead to distractions that can decrease productivity, impair cognitive processing, and cause feelings of stress or anxiety. Not only does clutter make it harder for our brains to process information effectively, but research has also shown that people are more relaxed and able to think clearer when in an organized space.

Cleanliness is key to maintaining mental clarity because when surrounded by chaos, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay focused.

Increased Focus

Negative Impacts of a Cluttered Space

Cleaning your home can be an extremely beneficial activity for both your physical and mental well-being. This means that keeping your space dirty or untidy will negatively impact your mental state.

When the environment is cluttered or untidy, it can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and overwhelm. Below, we will go over some of the most prominent impacts of keeping your space dirty.


A recent study reveals that women with cluttered or unfinished living spaces are statistically more prone to feelings of fatigue and depression than those who have restful, calming environments.

Not only were they found to be more fatigued and depressed, but the levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, were much higher in these women than in those with orderly homes.

This is an important finding because it underscores the importance of having a peaceful home environment as a way to maintain mental and emotional well-being. This can help relieve stress, and also provide a source of comfort and relief during difficult times. Therefore, individuals need to strive to create an atmosphere in their homes that promotes balance and harmony.


Decreased Focus, Confusion, and Tension

Living in a cluttered and disorganized home can create an overwhelming sense of stress and confusion. Clutter has been linked to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with negative emotions such as tension, irritability, and anxiety.

Visual chaos can make it more difficult to focus on tasks or relax, leading to feelings of unease and discomfort. On the other hand, being organized can help us be more productive and creative. Studies have found that an orderly environment encourages people to feel calmer and more at ease, allowing them to think more clearly and creatively.

By reducing clutter and taking control of our environment, we can reduce stress levels and create a space that is conducive to relaxation and well-being. Having a calm, organized home will also help us stay focused on our goals and find satisfaction in achieving them.